Our Details

Nelson Road Dental Practice

193 Nelson Road



Telephone 01634 851 317

Patient Survey

We are currently going for NHS Dental tenders at Ramsgate and Sandwich and Orthodontic tender at Gravesend. To help us design a practice which suits your needs please complete our survey below.

We thank you for your time.

Your Information

Are you currently a patient of a practice in Ramsgate and Sandwich?

If you are a patient, is it NHS pr private?

Would you like to be able to have NHS treatment?

From the options listed below please let us know which you would like to be available in the new practice. Please tick below.



Dental Health Needs


Would you like to be contacted if we are successful in our tender bid?

If yes then please provide us with your details.


Phone Number:

*Email Address:

Reload Image

*Please enter the code you see above: